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Julius Community Forum

A place for the community of Julius AI users to share ideas and best practices

Here are some things you can do to get started:

:speaking_head: Introduce yourself by adding your picture and information about yourself and your interests to your profile. What is one thing you’d like to be asked about?

:open_book: Get to know the community by browsing discussions that are already happening here. When you find a post interesting, informative, or entertaining, use the :heart: to show your appreciation or support!

:handshake: Contribute by commenting, sharing your own perspective, asking questions, or offering feedback in the discussion. Before replying or starting new topics, please review the Community Guidelines.

If you need help or have a suggestion, feel free to ask in #site-feedback or contact the admins.


Hi All, I teach K-12 Computer Science and am a new data analytics student, with hopes of using the insane amount of data I am collecting on student engagement with computers to create better and customized learning platforms. Good to be here.


Great to see students engaging on here. Really pleased that Julius.ai has set up a forum. My name is Tony Myers, I am interested in data and how to make sense of it, but also how best to teach others, particularly those without any background in maths or statistics. I work at a small university in England, UK and am a Professor in Quantitative Methods. I am particularly interested in Bayesian methods and Causal modelling. I and really excited by the possibilities AI offers ok general and Julius.ai in particular. I look forward to some interesting discussions with other forum users here.


how to upload data to it ? where can I learn things to iparate this software

You can upload data by clicking on the “paperclip” option located in the chat box:

This will bring your file into Julius so it can work with it.
As for your question on how to us Julius, there is a drop down menu under “docs” in the Julius.ai/chat window. You can click on this and it’ll give you various options such as Tips, FAQs, Use Cases, How-to Videos, etc.

You can also find some walk-throughs in the Guides posted in this community forum. You can reach these by going to the “categories” section and selecting “all categories”. This will take you to a window where you can click on the various topics, including Guides:

Hope this helps!


How can i pay for this ai without a debit card because i don’t have one

Hi all, I am Hong Lee trying out Julius with all the functions. I would love to know more on valuation of assets

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Hi I m Shah from Shada Hotel Jeddah Saudi Arabia

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I want to Integrate Julius with My Application . How is possible ?

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Hi, welcome! :wave:
Julius currently does not offer an API that allows you to integrate with an application. But, we will let you know if the offer becomes available in the future!

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You can use a credit card if you have one.

Does Julius offer an API that allows you to integrate with an application ?


Currently, Julius does not offer an API. It is something that may be offered in the near future, so stay tuned!

Best practices? How about people answer emails about billing and cancellation.

Nice to use Julius for my work …gives me new insights to my data. But there sho have option to unable or disable the code screen window display during processing the data…many have coding phobia not like to see the codes…

Hi everyone, I am Peter Adewuyi and I am a public health specialist and a medical doctor. I am interested in developing AI for public health- basically for Epidemiology in africa. We need to proicde data driven public health solutions and I am learning ML etc but I believe the basics are available here to build or train Julius to explore data from our database to with few prompts and get the results needed.
I need a tutorial on hoe to develop such AI here. Thank you

I write articles based on women’s struggles in the United States. However AI has never been useful for me. Every AI platform tells me I am prohibited. My experiences, and women’s experiences are prohibited. Murder, war, any other male dominate activity is readily discussed. Women’s struggles are prohibited to be aided with studies, research, editorial assistance, etc via AI. I pointed out multiple times may of AI’s responses to be formatted in misogyny. Even AI’s definition of “Powerful” in the list of powerful people produced a male only list. When asked how many women were on the platform’s decision making board, i am told I am in the wrong for asking. Yet, any other category is fine. There has been no gain of trust that these platforms are not in line with other industries in setting it’s foundation with intent to create a supremacy, oppression, divide, and sport of discrimination. How is this platform earning the trust of us. Especially when I have never been allowed to use this platform for my cause.