Let's talk about Wireshark and pcap files

I wanted to give Julius an excellent test to see if it could read a pcap file and analyze network traffic patterns so I could see what that looked like from my demo lab. I didn’t realize that Julius would install or self-install Python libraries that I instructed it to. Once Julius, in our conversation, installed the correct Python libraries and then troubleshooted a few other issues, it could fully dive into the pcap file and answer my queries. No other AI has yet been able to do this for me. The fact that we can instruct Julius to self-install Python libraries that I know will work with Python or that it will install whatever libraries it needs as it troubleshoots is a fantastic feature. This was a significant positive experience when I saw what Julius could do.

I will continue to test other network things that I can do with Julius and see what it can expand on, and I will share here as I find new things with my lab examples.


Hi Jerrad!

Thank you for sharing your experience with Julius on the community forum! Yes, I also have never dealt with any AI that could troubleshoot itself as effectively and install the required libraries as Julius does. To share what I am currently using Julius for: I’m investigating how to use Julius effectively for literature reviews, and scientific analyses for academic purposes. I have been nothing short of impressed of it’s capabilities and love to use it on a daily basis. As such, I look forward to reading what you find out and if you have any questions about anything, feel free to reach out :slight_smile:



When I saw it self-troubleshoot when it ran into errors which were like 4-5 errors, and then it corrected itself by using a different method to analyze the pcap file, I was like, wow! I think that is really cool that you are using Julius to help with your literature reviews and academic purposes. I have been using it basically for everything and, again, really trying to see if I can use it as my “daily copilot, haha,” like research, etc. I will definitely share what things I have been using it with and improvements for the team here. I love seeing what other people have been using AI for, and it really has boosted my productivity.



Yes, that is a perfect way to describe it! It is like a little copilot!
It has been such a great thing for me to use in the scientific community as it has made it easier for me to run data analyses as well as create diagrams and figures. Like you said, it is always great hearing what others are using it for because it really shows how versatile it can be in multiple situations. I’m glad to hear that you are enjoying it and it is also helping you boost your productivity. I love to hear it :slight_smile:

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Hi Alysha,
Hope you are doing fine. This would be great if you kindly give a detail post how julius is helping you literature reviews, and scientific analyses for academic purposes, thank you.


Hi Mahmed,
I am definitely working on it! I will be posting one soon to show everyone :slight_smile:

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