I could not produce gtsummary Publication quality tables like I would do in r-studio. I want to Produce publication-quality tables and figures using gtsummary commands, such as flextable, to display these frequencies and test for statistical significance between variable
I’m also trying to install it, but it seems that it’s having an issue with it because it’s trying to install a version Julius does not support (needs version 1.8.0 and R in Julius currently has version 1.6.2). I’m trying to find a workaround right now by asking if it can install a later version.
Do you need to use gtsummary specifically? I found another resource that uses other packages to make publication ready tables if you are interested: Publication-ready APA tables: from R to Word in 2 min. I’m going to try and see if I can find another way to make these tables as well.
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