Using the "default" model

When you use the “default” model does it just choose between Claude 3 or GPT-4 on the task you give it and it decides which model will be the best for that task? I just want to make sure if that is the case and I have absolutely loved Julius so far in my test cases today. Also, I think I saw it but Claude 3 is always using Opus and GPT-4 the latest GPT-4 Turbo integration? I am guessing you guys are always using the newest models?

Thank you so much for the help!

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Hey! Glad to hear you’ve loved using Julius so far. The “default” model does indeed switch between Claude 3 and GPT-4 depending on the task. You’re also right on the exact Anthropic & OpenAI models we use — if you’re a paid user and select Claude 3, then the model is Opus, and for GPT-4, it is the latest released version of the model (GPT-4-Turbo-2024-04-09). Let us know if you have any other questions!


Again, thank you for your explanation, and that is what I love about Julius so far! I have noticed that based on the task it will choose the right model. I am super impressed with how everything is working, and as I keep working with it, I will provide feedback. :slight_smile:


Great! Definitely share any feedback you have — it’s all extremely valuable as we continue to build & grow Julius

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