Managing Files and Resetting Sessions in Julius

Julius AI offers several options for managing files and resetting your session to start fresh. You can access these features from the “Files” section.

  1. File Management:
    You can upload, manage, and link files such as Google Sheets from this page. Select a file and choose one of the following actions:
  • Upload (1): Upload new files into Julius AI.
  • Delete (2): Remove files you no longer need.
  • Chat with Files (3): Begin interacting with Julius AI using the uploaded files.

    Additionally, if you click on the ellipsis, you can choose to analyze that file in a chat, download it, or delete it:
  1. Resetting Your Container:
    This action clears all files within your container as well as the RAM. If you want to completely reset the workspace and clear the system memory, this is the place to do it.

Great tutorial and refresher! :slight_smile:


Thank you, really appreciate the feedback! :slight_smile:

@Alysha… how long does a Google Sheet stay “linked”. ie. Presuming I don’t manually reset my session, can I come back into a session 72 hours (or days?) later and pick up where I left off in that workflow?

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Hi Mark!

Great question! Yes, your file should still be uploaded and connected to that chat as long as you are not over the allotted time limit. You can always check this by asking Julius to bring up the file(s) associated in the chat.
Once you do so, you should good to continue the chat where you left off from.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Yes, that’s helps a lot thanks @Alysha , although could you please define “allotted time limit” for me and what it means?


Yes, I can elaborate: Julius has just released a new feature that gives paid users the option to preserve their workspace with a new week-long storage. This allows users to analyze data, step away, and return days later to pick up right where they left off, as opposed to the 1hour limit we previously had.

Free users still have the 1hour limit, while paid users get the 7 day limited, that was what I meant by the allotted time limit. Sorry for the confusion!

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Thanks @Alysha. Please could you send me an email at ?
Can’t see how to send you a DM in this forum.

I just got back from vacation and love seeing this feature implemented! This is amazing!

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