Julius AI server down?

No connection to Julius AI. I am logged in, not using a VPN, and my internet connection is good (all other sites work)

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Same for me as well. Since 7:30am est.

exactly the same for my

did you send an email to the team?I haven’t got any response from their end yet

Yes and also no response yet.

küresel problem var muhtemelen yakında dönüş yapacktır biraz sabır

I am the exact same, not working for me either

It’s a service people are paying for? They expect it to work.

Looks like it’s back up!

Sorry for not responding sooner. We identified the issue and pushed a fix, but then it broke itself which led to longer than expected downtime. We’re continuing to monitor for any remaining issues.

It’s down again. Same error message.

Hi everyone. We got it back up again. Thanks for your patience on this.

Hello, in France it is still down. 7:30 GMT

yess! it works now! Thanks