Guide: Cross-Validation with Julius

Note: Julius helped me generate most of the figures used in this post.


When it comes to building reliable and robust machine learning models, cross-validation is a crucial technique that every data scientist and machine learning practitioner should have in their toolkit. Cross-validation helps us assess the performance and generalization ability of our models, ensuring that they can handle real-world data effectively. With Julius, running cross-validation becomes a breeze. By leveraging the power of Claude 3 and GPT-4, Julius allows you to train models and perform cross-validation effortlessly.

But why is cross-validation so important? In my previous post on the Bias-Variance Tradeoff, I discussed how models can suffer from high bias or high variance, leading to poor performance and generalization. Cross-validation helps us strike the right balance between bias and variance by providing a more reliable estimate of a model’s performance on unseen data. By using different subsets of the data for training and testing, cross-validation reduces the risk of overfitting and gives us a more realistic assessment of the model’s capabilities.

Now, let’s dive into the various cross-validation methods available and explore when each method is most appropriate and which one you should ask Julius for.

Hold-out Cross-Validation

Hold-out cross-validation is the simplest and most straightforward method. When you ask Julius to perform hold-out cross-validation, it will split your dataset into two parts based on the specified ratio: a training set and a test set. The model is then trained on the training set and evaluated on the test set. This method is computationally efficient and suitable for large datasets where training multiple models might be time-consuming.

Example: If you have a dataset of 10,000 customer transactions and want to assess a fraud detection model’s performance, you can instruct Julius to use hold-out cross-validation with an 80/20 split. Julius will randomly select 8,000 transactions for training and use the remaining 2,000 transactions for testing, providing you with an estimate of the model’s performance on unseen data.

K-Fold Cross-Validation

K-fold cross-validation offers a more robust approach compared to hold-out cross-validation. When you ask Julius to perform K-fold cross-validation, it will divide your dataset into K equal-sized folds. The model is then trained and evaluated K times, each time using a different fold as the test set and the remaining K-1 folds as the training set. Julius will average the results from each fold to provide a more reliable estimate of the model’s performance.

Example: Suppose you have a dataset of 1,000 customer reviews and want to compare different sentiment analysis models. You can instruct Julius to use 5-fold cross-validation. Julius will divide the data into 5 equal parts and train and evaluate the models 5 times, each time using a different fold as the test set. This approach ensures that each data point is used for both training and testing, reducing the impact of specific data splits.

Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV)

Leave-one-out cross-validation is a special case of K-fold cross-validation where K is equal to the number of observations in the dataset. When you ask Julius to perform LOOCV, it will iterate over each data point, using it as the test set and the remaining data points as the training set. This process is repeated for each data point, providing an unbiased estimate of the model’s performance. However, LOOCV can be computationally expensive, especially for large datasets.

Example: If you have a small dataset of 100 medical records and want to build a model to predict patient outcomes, you can ask Julius to use LOOCV. Julius will train and evaluate the model 100 times, each time using a different medical record as the test set and the remaining 99 records as the training set. This approach ensures that every data point is used for both training and testing, providing a comprehensive assessment of the model’s performance.

Leave-p-Out Cross-Validation (LpOCV)

Leave-p-out cross-validation is an extension of leave-one-out cross-validation, where instead of leaving out a single data point, you leave out p data points at a time. When you ask Julius to perform LpOCV, it will iterate over all possible combinations of p data points, using them as the test set and the remaining data points as the training set. This process is repeated for each combination, providing a comprehensive assessment of the model’s performance. However, LpOCV can be computationally expensive, especially for large datasets and higher values of p.

Example: If you have a dataset of 50 customer profiles and want to build a model to predict customer churn, you can ask Julius to use LpOCV with p=2. Julius will train and evaluate the model C(50, 2) times (1,225 times), each time using a different combination of 2 customer profiles as the test set and the remaining 48 profiles as the training set. This approach provides a thorough evaluation of the model’s performance, but it can be time-consuming for larger datasets.

Repeated K-Fold Cross-Validation

Repeated K-fold cross-validation is an extension of K-fold cross-validation that helps reduce the variance in the model’s performance estimates. When you ask Julius to perform repeated K-fold cross-validation, it will repeat the K-fold cross-validation process multiple times, each time with a different random partitioning of the data into K folds. The results from each repetition are then averaged to obtain a more stable and reliable estimate of the model’s performance.

Example: Suppose you have a dataset of 500 product reviews and want to evaluate a sentiment classification model. You can instruct Julius to use repeated 5-fold cross-validation with 3 repetitions. Julius will perform 5-fold cross-validation 3 times, each time with a different random partitioning of the data into 5 folds. The model’s performance will be evaluated on each fold, and the results from all repetitions will be averaged to provide a more robust estimate of the model’s performance.

Stratified K-Fold Cross-Validation

Stratified K-fold cross-validation is particularly useful when dealing with imbalanced datasets or when the target variable has a skewed distribution. When you ask Julius to perform stratified K-fold cross-validation, it will ensure that each fold contains approximately the same proportion of samples from each class or target value range. This helps maintain the original distribution of the target variable across the folds.

Example: If you have an imbalanced dataset of 1,000 credit card transactions, with 950 legitimate transactions and 50 fraudulent ones, and you want to build a fraud detection model, you can instruct Julius to use stratified 5-fold cross-validation. Julius will create 5 folds, each containing roughly 190 legitimate transactions and 10 fraudulent transactions, preserving the original class distribution. This approach ensures that the model is trained and evaluated on representative subsets of the data.

Time Series Cross-Validation

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Time series data requires special consideration when performing cross-validation due to the temporal dependencies between observations. When you ask Julius to perform time series cross-validation, it will employ techniques such as rolling window or blocked cross-validation to ensure that the temporal structure of the data is preserved and that future observations are not used to predict past values.

Rolling Window Cross-Validation


In rolling window cross-validation, Julius will train the model on a fixed-size window of past data and evaluate it on the next set of observations. The window is then rolled forward, and the process is repeated, mimicking the real-world scenario where the model is updated as new data becomes available.

Example: If you have a dataset of daily sales figures for the past year and want to build a model to forecast future sales, you can instruct Julius to use rolling window cross-validation with a window size of 30 days. Julius will train the model on the first 30 days of data and evaluate it on the next 7 days. The window is then shifted forward by 7 days, and the process is repeated, ensuring that the model is continuously updated and evaluated on unseen data.

Blocked Cross-Validation


In blocked cross-validation, Julius will divide the time series data into contiguous, non-overlapping blocks. The model is then trained on a subset of the blocks and evaluated on the remaining blocks. This approach ensures that the temporal structure of the data is preserved and that there is no leakage between the training and testing sets.

Example: If you have a dataset of monthly stock prices for the past 5 years and want to build a model to predict future prices, you can ask Julius to use blocked cross-validation with a block size of 12 months. Julius will divide the data into 5 blocks, each representing a year. The model will be trained on a subset of the blocks (e.g., the first 3 years) and evaluated on the remaining blocks (e.g., the last 2 years). This approach ensures that the model is evaluated on unseen data while preserving the temporal structure of the time series.


Cross-validation is a vital tool for assessing the performance and generalization ability of machine learning models. With Julius, performing cross-validation becomes a straightforward and intuitive process, thanks to its LLM-powered capabilities. By understanding the different cross-validation methods and their appropriate use cases, you can make informed decisions when working with Julius:

  1. Hold-out cross-validation: Suitable for large datasets or quick initial evaluations.
  2. K-fold cross-validation: Provides a more reliable estimate of model performance and is suitable for moderate-sized datasets.
  3. Leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV): Offers an unbiased estimate of model performance and is best for small datasets when computational resources are not a constraint.
  4. Leave-p-out cross-validation (LpOCV): Provides a comprehensive assessment of model performance by iterating over all possible combinations of p data points, but can be computationally expensive for large datasets and higher values of p.
  5. Repeated K-fold cross-validation: Reduces the variance in model performance estimates by repeating the K-fold cross-validation process multiple times with different random partitioning of the data.
  6. Stratified K-fold cross-validation: Ideal for imbalanced datasets or skewed target variable distributions.
  7. Time series cross-validation: Essential for time series data to avoid leakage and obtain reliable performance estimates. Techniques include rolling window cross-validation, which trains the model on a fixed-size window of past data and evaluates it on the next set of observations, and blocked cross-validation, which divides the time series data into contiguous, non-overlapping blocks for training and evaluation.

By asking Julius to perform cross validation and selecting the appropriate cross-validation method based on your dataset and problem at hand, you can build robust and reliable machine learning models that generalize well to unseen data.

Keywords: Julius, machine learning, cross-validation, hold-out, K-fold, leave-one-out, leave-p-out, repeated K-fold, stratified K-fold, time series, rolling window, blocked cross-validation, model performance, generalization, bias-variance tradeoff, imbalanced datasets, temporal dependencies, data-driven decisions.


Great guide! I have learned so much from this!
For the leave-one-out cross validation, what would you recommend as the maximum amount of data points to be analyzed for this method? I know it is a very in-depth process since it has to go through every datapoint and create different folds for each one, so I was wondering if there was a rule of thumb for using this cross-validation.


Thank you!

While I don’t have a specific recommendation, I have a quick way to determine this.

Try running your entire training run once and timing it. Then simply multiply that time by the number of observations in your dataset and decide if you feel like waiting that long.


Thank you, this is super helpful to know! :slight_smile: