From Kaggle Novice to Kaggle competitions contributor

With the help of julius being a non tech professional, I am trying to be a expert in data analytics field. For this I participated some of the kaggle competitions.
My scores are :

The details of the competitions and participations are written into my eBook here ক্যাগলের কম্পিটিশনে আমার অংশগ্রহণ | ডাটা নিয়ে কথা - প্রথম সংস্করণ, I wrote in in Bengali so that people in my community understands julius and start to work on it. Sorry for the hardships who are unable to read it.

I started my kaggle profile as kaggle novice now I am competitions contributor. I am looking forward for the kaggle grandmaster, and thanks to julius.

Masnoon Ahmed


Wow, this is so awesome. I think you’re the first user to share about their use of Julius in Kaggle competitions. We hope this inspires more non-technical users to participate in Kaggle competitions and not let coding be a barrier :raised_hands:


Maybe we’ll see Julius here some day: Meet The Kaggle Grandmasters (KGMoN) Team | NVIDIA

Awesome work, Mahmed, and thanks for sharing. Now I wish I could read Bengali…