Dynamyc Risk Management System

Hello community, Apologies for my English

I have been two days trying Julius to make me a simple excel of 10 columns and 31 rows and it is not possible, after more than 100 corrections, he always returns again and again to the same basic errors. I am trying to make a dynamic risk management system for my trading operations, which consists of a formula, each day of the month that I am trading, and depending on the result of the previous day, it gives me a percentage of adjusted risk.

The trading days will be a maximum of 23 days that may or may not be traded depending on the market. And the maximum loss I want to have is 5% monthly of drawdown.

There is a main box that will be the Initial Capital, that is, the total amount that the account has, normally it will be a capital of 100,000, 50,000, 25,000 or 10,000, those are the usual amounts, but it could be any amount. Another main box is Max Dradown, which I want to be a maximum of 5% monthly loss of the initial capital. Another main box will be the Monthly Result, which should put a % of how the month is going depending on the operations that have been carried out, another main box would be Current Balance, which would be the balance between the initial capital and the result of the different operations that have been carried out that month. And finally, another main box showing the current Drawdown, that is the sum of the drawdown that is carried after the operations that have been made. And then would come the excel table

1. Core Structure

  • Initial Capital: B1 (e.g., 100000)
  • Max Drawdown: B2 = =B1*5%
  • Current Balance: B3 = =B1 + SUM(I10:I40)
  • Monthly Result: B4 = =(B3 - B1)/B1 (format as %)
  • Current Drawdown: B5 = =MAX(B1 - B3, 0)

2. Table Setup (10 Columns)

Start at row 10 (adjust as needed):

Column Formula/Input
A. Day 1, 2, 3...31 (manual)
B. Traded? Yes/No (use data validation)
C. Prior P/L =IF(ROW()=10, 0, IF(B9="Yes", I9, 0)) (pulls prior day’s P/L)
D. Risk % Start with 2% in D10. For D11 onward:
=IF(B11="No", 0, MIN(MAX(IF(C10>0, D10*1.1, IF(C10<0, D10*0.9, D10)), 0.005), 0.05))
(Adjusts risk ±10% daily, caps at 0.5%-5%)
E. Capital Risk =IF(B10="Yes", $B$1*D10, 0)
F. Position Size (Depends on your strategy, e.g., =E10 / (Entry_Price - Stop_Loss))
G. Entry Price Manual input
H. Stop Loss Manual input
I. P/L Manual input (or auto-calculate if you have exit prices)
J. Cum. Drawdown =MAX($B$1 - SUM($I$10:I10), 0)

3. Critical Notes

  • Drag Down Formulas: Fill C10:J10 down to row 40 for all 31 days.
  • Error Handling: If you see #DIV/0!, wrap formulas in IFERROR(formula, 0).
  • Lock References: Use $ for fixed cells (e.g., $B$1).

This is what I got from putting your information in a different Ai