Instructions I gave a month ago = perfect output. Exact same now is horrible

Instructions I gave a month ago = perfect output. Exact same now is horrible.
Is there a way to open a prior chat and have Julius complete the exact same python from my exact same of instructions?
Such as maybe “naming” or “saving” and instruction set so that it runs the exact same every time wthout generating new code that is different or wrong?


Great feedback, and we totally hear you. We are actively working on a way to re-use instruction sets and code from a previous analysis. We are planning on calling it “Workflows”.

Another user (@antoniojurlina1) recently pointed out how he’s been hacking around this in Julius, link here: Enhancing Efficiency with Automated Workflows in Julius: A Focus on A/B Testing - #3 by antoniojurlina1

Would you be interested in being an alpha user for this feature? Feel free to drop us an email at team @ We will sign up you up for early access and walk you through how it works. :heart:


Thank you for your help. Working perfectly now.