Are there any additional resources/advice that I can use that can help me generate efficient prompts on Julius? The guides here have been great but I was wondering if there was anything else I could also use. Or if anyone has any additional feedback or advice on this.
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TLDR: go to Tips section and Use cases to get examples of prompts/how to format them; wrong prompt → click edit button and resend.
If you go to the Tips section, it gives you some step-by-step instructions on how to navigate a bad response, and formatting your data to make it easier for Julius to read your data.
You can also check out the Use cases page to get an idea of how to formulate some of your prompts to get the desired outcome.
Usually when this happens to me, I edit the message directly and resend it. I also like to copy the code that gave me the correct output and save it for future use as it’s usually a sure-shot way to replicate an output. I also find breaking down the prompts into easy to follow steps is the best way. If I put too many things into one prompt, that’s when I notice that things go amiss.
Thank you Chris!
Just another question: How do you typically break down a large prompt? Could you give me an example of what you’d do?
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My best example would be if I know I want to do data analysis, I could ask Julius in one prompt:
“Upload file, previewing the file to give me a run down of the variables, then perform data cleaning by searching for any null values and replacing them with N/As, and then proceeding with descriptive statistics…”
But this is a bit hefty, so I can break it down into multiple prompts:
- Preview file and give me a rundown of the variables in the dataset.
- Check dataset and perform any necessary cleaning or preparation needed for data analysis.
- Perform descriptive statistics on my dataset.
By breaking this down into three separate prompts, it allows you to really examine each step and troubleshoot if problems arise. It makes it more organized in my head at least.
Thanks for the example! Appreciate it