I want to do a three way ANOVA of the data for growth and yield of plants of six wheat cultivars subjected to foliar spray of proline when grown under non-saline or saline conditions.
My research students are less technical and want to do their analysis using Julius. Is it possible that anyone generate a work flow for me and my students. Probably following steps are required to generate a work flow
1- Upload MS Excel file with structured data
2- Checking and cleaning the data
3- Checking the normality by drawing Q-Q plots
4- Checking the homogeneity of variances
5- Perform the three way ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis test
6- Perform post hoc analysis using using LSD for all mean values
7- Drawgroup bar charts, considering 1st factor as main group factor, 2nd factor as sub-group, and 3rd group as sub-sub group.
Best Regards
Habib R Athar
BZ University, Multan Pakistan