Prompt for Data analysis and Data visualizations for healthcare quality projects


I believe Julius can indeed help you with most of what you listed. I will try to address each a bit and am happy to clarify more if needed. Just a note, I don’t typically perform Plan-do-study-act cycle studies and will speak in more general terms. However, I can see the type of data you’d expect to get from such processes and can speak to that point somewhat.

  1. Indeed, Julius can perform such analyses, like checking if a project to improve physiotherapy in patients decreased their length of stay. Let’s say it’s a very simple project, in which you run a single cycle and want to observe the outcomes. In that case:
  • If you’re comparing the same group to itself before and after the project, to see if there was an improvement, you would typically use something like a paired t-test to compare the outcome of interest and see if there is a statistically significant difference between the two.
  • If you’re comparing two groups, you can run a simple t-test comparing two independent samples, and obtain similarly structured results. If the project is around length of stay, and it’s different groups of patients being compared before and after the project implementation, this would be an appropriate test

In both of these cases, Julius is absolutely capable of producing appropriate analyses. The more data you have, the better.

  1. I will link this excellent post that provides information on preparing data for Julius and helps with obtaining initial descriptive statistics.

  2. Honestly, I was curious about this too

so I asked Julius to generate some sample charts from the list you submitted and they seem good to me. It would require some more careful guidance from someone with industry experience but Julius can iterate on different charts as needed and requested.

  1. Unfortunately not. Julius will generate charts as image files that you can download but not edit after the fact in Excel. However, Julius is quite powerful and you can ask for very specific annotations and design that will help your figures look as desired. If that doesn’t work out, you can always ask Julius to let you download the data behind any chart and you can recreate the charts yourself.

  2. Here is a helpful guide from Penn State on citing Large Language Models. You can also find similar from other universities and research institutes.

I hope this helps somewhat and please let me know if you have any further questions!